Module 3

Case studies

This section would like to introduce users to the reading, comprehension and building of case studies in vulnerability matters. Learning from case studies means also to outline questions that should be asked by the case study analysis. This, among others, means to apply “a certain level of abstraction” for a more effective description of reality and to extract the main elements and information from the experience.

A review of case studies is here proposed, in order to make users understand which are the most important knowledge elements which should appear in an assessment activity and how to build the sequence of working steps leading to an effective result. This can also be considered as a reading scheme to extract and learn from existing case studies as much as possible both of the experiences themselves (type of risk, country, vulnerable elements of the specific territorial system, selected tools to face and manage vulnerability..) and of the particular application of the tools for the building of the case study. “History” of an event and of all what follows (impact, emergency management, recovery, prevention and mitigation policies and interventions..)To make you better understand the process in this section you will fine both elaborated files and the four ENSURE Deliverables on case studies.

 This section will propose case studies to underline differences of approach, media, territorial analysis process and knowledge building tools, like, for instance: type of document – written, images, video, type of assessment tool, indicators selection and processing methodologies, knowledge building according to real needs, territorial features, scale and time, type of target communities of the document, subject asking for the assessment, ….

Some elements already discussed in the previews modules will be underlined, like, for instance: territorial scale of the analysis, time – sequences of events/analysis/interventions and time related matters, selection and elaboration of different kinds of indicators, building process of the vulnerability assessment (the sequence of activities).