Activity 2

Look and “read” the images

Look at the video from the European Project Scenario (Support on Common European Strategy for sustainable natural and induced technological hazards mitigation), funded as a Specific Support Action under the VI FP, and try to answer to the following questions. The video particularly deals with vulnerability and exposure matters.

You will find the indication of the image concerned by the question in terms of minutes and seconds (min:sec for a single image or min:sec-min:sec for a sequence of images) out of the video total running time (09:26 min).

  1. (00.00-01:15) Even if you do not understand the written text in Italian, can you say what is going to happen? And what the images want to underline?
  2. (00:58) What does it mean “human as victims but also creators of vulnerability”?
  3. (1:18)  The image shows the rubble of a building but there is also something else behind: what do you think this image wants to say?
  4. (1:54-2:31) Try to say what these images want to descript and, therefore, what kind of information is needed to obtain a framework of the potential incidence of natural disasters in different European territories.
  5. (2:25-2:57) What these maps offer information about?
  6. (3:07-3:16) Four images are introduced by the following words: “Changes in land use modify vulnerability and create new exposure”. What kind of changes are addressed in the images and why we can say that such changes can modify vulnerability? 
  7. (3:27-5:58) Here a simple case study is offered: the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Describe the sequence of images in terms of knowledge elements to answer a question like “what elements have been described using such images and what one should know to set off a vulnerability assessment?
  8. (5:58-8:10) The final part refers to “tools and action” to strengthen coping capacity and resilience. Try to identify the different categories of tools.